Mar 15, 2006

My ADD is off the charts on Wednesdays

Okay...i have to sit in the same class for four hours on wednesdays. And needless to say it sucks. Sometimes it's even the same teacher for four hours. However we do get a ten minute break every hour. Sort of like a passing period I guess. I should be working on homework stuff right now but I'm brain dead from trying to supress my ADD for four hours which has resulted in neck and leg cramps and a headache. But during the four painfully long hours, in which I seriously consider screaming out loud at the professor and then walking out in the middle of the lecture for no apparent reason, I think about pretty much everything except for what the teacher is saying. I catch up on other homework and draw but mostly I daydream about being Jack Bauer's new love interest or how I should have gone into film instead of dietetics. I mean I would be happier holding the boom on some lame TV show set than I am now, I'm almost positive. But today I thought about how some people that I know have serious issues and how their issues are getting in the way of my happiness. For instance I was at the bus stop yesterday and I was standing across the street from the WILK talking on the phone. And I saw a car I know. And as a reflex I just turned the other way so I wouldn't have to look at this person head on. But what made me do that? Was it the fact that they are the rude ones so I felt lame? No..because I didn't. I just plain did not want to deal with seeing their face, because it reminds me of how I tried my hardest and it still didn't work. And those are the kind of things that are so frustrating and out of your control that you get an eating disorder from them. hahahaha...ok I don't have an eating disorder, and I don't care even half that much. But why didn't I just wave? In reality, I wish we could be friends. But it never seems to stay that way. And that makes me sad because it's like there is so much potential there, yet for some reason we just don't get off the ground...I guess WE'RE JUST NOT THAT INTO EACH You know that book? Maybe none of this made any sense...oh well. Me gusto.

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