Mar 17, 2006

Adventures in "nutrition"

So last night on my way to Wendover (for my job) I had had a diet coke. And we're driving and we hit Tooele, which is still about an hour outside Wendover, and I had to pee, but I was talking on the phone so I didn't get off. So the next stop isn't till almost to Wendover. I ended up stopping at the Bonneville Speedway because I had to pee so bad I couldn't hold it till we got to the hotel. I'm serious this was bad. I was sweating and even moving in the seat made me want to cry. I hobbled to the bathroom and pee'd for 4 and a half minutes. Out of control. I tried to quit the Diet Coke earlier that day but to no avail. I'm still trying though. That night I started to watch Donnie Darko and as soon as I heard that creepy voice "I've been watching you.." I had to turn it off. I was too scared. I'm going to try again tomorrow. So we go to Wendover to do community programs and stuff. But today was a hard day for me because we were teaching kindergartner's about eating dairy. Being lactose intolerant and the fact that I think it is horrible for you (atleast from the cows we get the milk from--who are drugged up on anti-biotics and growth hormone) it was hard for me to sing the song about happy cows planning to give their milk to make cheese, ice cream, yogurt and pudding. Riiiight. In reality these cows are not on a grassy knoll, but face to butt in dark cold stalls with pumps attached to their nipples. I desperately wanted to be the Neo in their lives giving them the red pill to rip them out of their rosy world and reveal the dark and cold reality of the dairy industry, but after all...they are only in kindergarten and that probably wouldn't have gone over very well with the government grant we're being paid by...oh well...another day another dollar...even us health and nutritionists gotta eat right? My brother would disagree.

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