Feb 15, 2006

Weebl and Bob

Do you ever watch weebl and bob cartoons? well they're hilarious so you should. Check this one out it's my favorite. I wish I talked like that...english accent, yet mildly retarded. When com bak...bing PIE!!!! I love pie.
Here's where you go: http://www.weebl.jolt.co.uk/pie
Ok...i was just in class and I was totally spacing out because I was completely bored out of my mind. And out loud I said really sarcastically "Super!" And then my friends around me starting laughing and I didn't know why. But it occured to me that I had said it out loud. Wow. I have got to get a handle on that ADD.
Can someone tell me why dumb guys who are dating your friends answer their phone and insist on talking to you? Sorry that I don't want to act fake for ten minutes and have a forced awkard conversation with some random my friend is currently hanging out with. You don't know me, I don't know you...you're not funny.

Feb 14, 2006

My mom...

I just got off the phone with my mom, who apparently thinks the autonomic nervous system is called the automatic nervous system. And something about how hers is starting to shut down, which is why the inside of her nose is dry now and it never was before. Sometimes I just say ya every few minutes during our conversations which involve her talking and me simultaneously text messaging other people. Something else my mom does that's weird...well there are many things but one that kinda creeps me out..is she talks about my dad (who is deceased) like he's still alive. Like she'll say, "well then dad said to me you should do this....yada yada yada"...in her mind this is totally normal, and my dad is very much present in her consciousness. And hey maybe he is who knows...but I get confused every time she does it...like wait...when was this that he said that to you? Ohhhh...in your mind the other day...I get it. Gosh, I wish I was in touch with the spirit world like that.

Also...what's up with the Tahitian Noni Cafe? Weird.

Why valentine's day is lame

I slept in my car last night pretty much for the hell of it. But I woke up this morning with frozen condensation on the inside of the windows and my nose frozen. Let's just say...I'm going through a weird phase. Or are phases things that were supposed to end after your five. Like when I was five I wore this one shirt every day for like 2 weeks straight. I had to wear that one or I would throw a fit. This phase is different. Anyways...it's valentine's day...which i have to admit I really don't care a lot about. I'm babysitting my brother's kids right now. Basically I just want to finish school and get the hell out of provo. Who cares about some lame holiday. Ok maybe I do just a little bit. But that sucks. Why do I? Why does anyone. The only people that it's fun for are people with a significant other, which in provo means someone whose back you scratch at devotional or hold hands with in class. Or get married to after 2 months of awesome group dates spent at the corn maze or hay ride or mystery dinner date or some other contrived thing like that. I'm over it. Seriously I am. I'm done.