Feb 14, 2006

Why valentine's day is lame

I slept in my car last night pretty much for the hell of it. But I woke up this morning with frozen condensation on the inside of the windows and my nose frozen. Let's just say...I'm going through a weird phase. Or are phases things that were supposed to end after your five. Like when I was five I wore this one shirt every day for like 2 weeks straight. I had to wear that one or I would throw a fit. This phase is different. Anyways...it's valentine's day...which i have to admit I really don't care a lot about. I'm babysitting my brother's kids right now. Basically I just want to finish school and get the hell out of provo. Who cares about some lame holiday. Ok maybe I do just a little bit. But that sucks. Why do I? Why does anyone. The only people that it's fun for are people with a significant other, which in provo means someone whose back you scratch at devotional or hold hands with in class. Or get married to after 2 months of awesome group dates spent at the corn maze or hay ride or mystery dinner date or some other contrived thing like that. I'm over it. Seriously I am. I'm done.

1 comment:

Brooke and Eric said...

So if you are so over it, when are you graduating and what will you do then?