Feb 14, 2006

My mom...

I just got off the phone with my mom, who apparently thinks the autonomic nervous system is called the automatic nervous system. And something about how hers is starting to shut down, which is why the inside of her nose is dry now and it never was before. Sometimes I just say ya every few minutes during our conversations which involve her talking and me simultaneously text messaging other people. Something else my mom does that's weird...well there are many things but one that kinda creeps me out..is she talks about my dad (who is deceased) like he's still alive. Like she'll say, "well then dad said to me you should do this....yada yada yada"...in her mind this is totally normal, and my dad is very much present in her consciousness. And hey maybe he is who knows...but I get confused every time she does it...like wait...when was this that he said that to you? Ohhhh...in your mind the other day...I get it. Gosh, I wish I was in touch with the spirit world like that.

Also...what's up with the Tahitian Noni Cafe? Weird.

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