Aug 10, 2008

BEAR Necessities

So today, John and I are in the car on our way to show our townhome to some potential renters and in the car there's an ad on the radio. It's some grocery store ad, but it sounds like they've taken some old song clips from somewhere and inserted them into the ad. To me it sounded exactly like Johnny Cash, like one of his old CD's I have. I knew that I knew the song from somewhere, and it sounded exactly like him, and usually you can't mistake his deep voice and twangy songs. Just to say now, though that I was wrong and I'm lame, the song was "Bare Necessities." Maybe you know where that's from.

So, to John, I say, "Oh, that's Johnny Cash, funny."

And he looks at me like I'm kinda crazy and is like..."No it's not," very matter of factly.

And I won't relent, because I always have to be right. (Ya I can admit it, I'm a know it all.)
So I persist, "Ya it is, it's an old Johnny Cash song, I know it."

To which he replies with an even more annoyed tone and a look that says you're retarded, "No it's not, it's THE JUNGLE BOOK!"

To which I realize that he's totally right and burst out laughing, because I knew that I knew the song from somewhere! I totally used to watch that cartoon when I was little with the fat bear singing the "BEAR Necessities!" LOL. I just thought it was so funny, I had to share it. I was sure it was Johnny Cash, like I know everything. And then John goes and pin points exactly what it is. And the way he said it was so just rude and hilarious. But of course he knew what it was, it was a cartoon! His area of expertise! hahahahaha.

Anyways...that's all. Have a magical day. So the next time you think you're TFC like I did, hopefully you have someone to tell you're not.