Apr 6, 2006

Walking and talking, not as easy as it sounds...

So last night I was talking to my mom on the phone. Just to preface this my mom kind of talks a lot and she always interrupts you while you're trying to tell her something. You'll be in the middle of a story and she'll ask some random question, and the whole time your thinking if you'd just let me finish you'd find out the answer to your question. So last night, I'm totally sick and I'm trying to finish a research paper that is due the next morning and I'm just trying to tell my mom about it but she keeps asking me these irrelevant questions about my internship and where I'm going to live this summer, blah blah and all the while I'm just trying to make it through the week. I don't have time to think about that yet. So I'm typing this paper while "listening" to her talk. But the most aggravating part is that I want to get off the phone because I'm about to collapse as it is, and she's walking the dog. So in between her talking there are intermittent bursts of really loud yelling "no tessa!, bad girl!...oh what a nice puppy." and then back to me, "sorry margs, anyways blah blah blah"...ten seconds later..."aaaahhhh, no no tessa!" then back to me..."she got off her leash gotta go sorry...*click!*" I'm like, random, but finally I can finish my paper. Then she calls back! We weren't even talking about anything anyways..so then I talk to her for another ten minutes essentially re-capping on everything that we said before. She's so weird. The whole conversation was interspersed with talking to the dog or other people out on walks too. So if I ever was trying to say something I'd be interrupted every ten seconds by that. Don't get me wrong I love me Mom, she's really sweet and considerate she's just not the best multi-tasker. The whole time I was just laughing because it was just so funny, yet I was so annoyed. Guess you had to be there.

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