Apr 2, 2006

Delicious Dreams

So this weekend I went to wendover as usual. I finally fall asleep at around 11, after tossing and turning because the pillow is too soft, or almost being asleep but waking up and freaking out because the nappy motel sheet kept touching my mouth. So I'm asleep...and I start having a wonderful dream. Kiefer and I are making out, except I'm not myself I'm Amanda Bynes in this red dress (the same one she wore in She's the Man...I had recently seen it.) So just as we hit the bed and he's about to grab my butt I hear a blood curtling scream (in my dream)and then I wake up to my roomate's phone ringing. It's my other annoying roomate who's in Provo calling Patti about some class notes at 7 am!!! I mean couldn't it wait till say 8 when I had to wake up anyways? I was so bitter. Did you have to pick the day I have the makeout dream? Not only could I not continue this dream...though I tried, you know where you close your eyes and try to see if it will keep going, which it didn't...I couldn't even fall back asleep because I was just so aggravated. I'm just laying there fuming about it. I mean it was so real. You know those dreams where you know you're dreaming, but that makes it so much better because you just savor every moment. My inner monologue went something like this..."ya i'm kissing kiefer, and I look hot, and I'm kissing kiefer'...Ya that's what I got ripped out of. I'm not exaggerating...I wanted to cry a little. Anyways. I'm over it now. 24 is on tomorrow. I guess that will have to be enough.

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