Mar 20, 2006

Why foul faced?

Oh ya...someone asked my why the blog is called foul faced and what that means...So I'll explain. Basically it's just a fun saying. But mainly it's just a saying I use in various settings. I'll give you the definition Balderdash style: foul face(fowel-fa-ce): When something is gross, appaling, unappealing or ugly. As in that monkey's butt with the dingleberry hanging off is foul faced. Or if someone fell out of the ugly tree and pretty much hit every branch on the way down, then that person is foul face or a foul face. Ya pretty much however you want to use it, it's pretty open. And I named the blog that, no...not because I am ugly..but I tend to not hold back on gross details or just inappropriate subject matter. And I tend to think fairly vulgar or crude things are hilarious. I mean my three favorite movies are Zoolander, Anchorman and Wedding Crashers. Anyways...So that's the name of my blog. Deal with it.

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