Mar 20, 2006


It was a long sum up:

The highlights were:
1.My Aloha mango chicken salad at Rumb-I.
2.Frank Vitchert's gonna murder your a**!
3.The fact that when the weekend ends it's Monday and 24 is on.

The lowlights were:
1. Driving back and forth from Wendover
2. Buying this sweat suit at Wal-mart that I thought I liked well enough for working out, so I rip off the tags but then I decide I hate it. Now I'm stuck with it. This is why I don't buy cheap crap from Wal-mart. But I was trying to convinve myself I could be thrifty and that it was cool. But my roots always come back out and I realize that me trying to be cheap just results in more money lost in the long run because I loathe cheap clothes. But it's not like I do it on purpose, it's more of subconscious thing, I can't control it. I wish I could do it, believe me it would save me a lot of money and grief from my mother.
3. Not getting my .avi files of Lost to work on my ghetto computer. Gosh.

But it's monday in provo. The search for my eternal companion I don't think he's here.

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