Mar 21, 2006


So today in Biochem (I know what your thinking, and yes I went to class) we learned about Calcium and Phosphate balance. I have learned about this many times before and know the consequences of eating or drinking foods that are high in phosphorous however today it really hit home. I mean, I was sick after. "Let me splain"...So because Ca and Phos always have to be in equilibrium in the blood. If there are high amounts of Phosphorous...the Calcium in the bone is pulled out of the bone and put into the blood so that it can be as high as the phosphophorous in the blood. And when you drink Diet Coke like I do (I mean it sucks because of the Aspartame already which attributes to "aspartame sickness":headaches, anxiety, increased heart rate, even psychosis in some states!) which is really high in phosphorous you are basically screwed because any excess phosphorous you can't use is excreted in the urine, and guess what since Ca and Phos have to always be in balance the Ca is excreted too. And it's hard enough for us women to get enough Ca anyways, even without throwing the whole phosphorous thing in there. And I'm lactose intolerant so milk is not an option, and it is the only really bioavailable source of Ca. Ca is not absorbed well from plant sources because of phytate compounds that block it's absorption. So word to the wise and to myself: STOP DRINKING SODA!!! AND...TAKE CALCIUM SUPPLEMENTS EVERYDAY!!! Supplements are as bioavailable as drinking milk. Now is the time. After age 35 your bone mineral density decreases by 1% a year no matter what you do!!! it is definitely my resolution to stop drinking soda. ASAP. I might even form a support group. Like Diet Coke Anonymous. For all the coke whores out there. (obviously I'm not talking about the powdery substance you suck up your nose through a small straw.) I can't help those people...I don't even know if I can help myself. Debbie Downer...wha whaaah.

1 comment:

Brooke and Eric said...

debbie downer, now there's a girl i love and remember.