Jul 15, 2008

Facebook Stalker

Okay, so I have a confession to make. I am a facebook stalker. Well, maybe stalker is too strong of a word. Let me re-phrase...I am addicted to looking at people's pictures on facebook...and sometimes reading wall posts...and reading picture comments...okay also taking quizzes, adding new applications to my page, changing my mood, commenting on other people's pictures, reading everyone's status, and basically everything else you can do on facebook, including buying my friends for money on Owned! Ya so I don't know if that's more than most people do on facebook, but I can seriously get lost on there for so long!

This is how it starts...I log on. I look at my mini-feed, which usually has a fair amount of stuff on it. For example, the other day mini feed told me that this one friend I have made a certain comment on one of their friends photos. So I check out the photo more closely, because I just happen to have this curiosity for people and their lives...I don't even have to know them. Before I know it ten minutes has gone by and I have looked at all of this person's pictures (this is the person that I don't even know...the friend of a friend...). This person wasn't even like a cool person, it was an older person, married with kids, and it seemed like they had been re-married. So I find myself wondering as I'm looking at these pictures...who are these people? What are their lives like? I wonder if his first wife died or if they got a divorce. I also noticed that his kids were much cuter than the new wife's kids...then I found myself thinking...that must suck for the uglier ones, especially since two of them were in the same grade. And I'm thinking all this just from looking at some random person's photos. Finally I snap out of my facebook stalker trance and realize, who cares about these people. Then I decided I did and I wanted to know more, just because. I still had unanswered questions. Then I decided I was crazy and I needed to look at some pictures of people I knew, to erase the previous weird behavior of looking at some random strangers pictures. I did and it helped me feel normal again.

But I have another confession. I always look at wedding pictures. If anyone ever comments on someone's wedding, I have to look at the pictures. I have to see if my dress was better or my flowers were better, or my bridesmaids had on more tasteful and elegant outfits. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. But for the most part it makes me happy with my nuptials and my photographer. And somehow by ripping on the ugly brides or poor wedding dress choices, I feel a little bit better about myself. (I know, I know...) Mind you, I'm only doing this in my own head. No one ever hears what I think about these pictures, well until now. And most of you probably think I am a total B at this point. But really who cares. You know you do it. I guarantee each and every one of you have looked at people's pictures on facebook that you don't know. And have wondered what their life was like, or been jealous of the fun they were having on that boat, or how great they looked on their wedding day, or how happy they seemed partying with their friends. Don't lie, you know you have.

That's the beauty of Facebook, it lets you look into through the window into other people's lives, which helps you think about what you might be missing, or what you know you can live without, or how glad you are about your present situation. And it's kinda fun to see what those people are doing with their lives. People you used to have real relationships with, or people you still do. It's a connection, real or imaginary with those around you. And I find that when I am home all day with a baby, I like that connection. And I admit that for the most part, those that I've known for a long time, I am usually just happy for them when I see pictures of weddings and engagements and boyfriends and babies. It makes me happy to see the successes in their lives. I save the petty callousness for people that I don't know.

Also, I'm really bad at keeping in touch with people who are far away. I don't know why. Maybe it's due to my fear of confrontation. The longer you don't talk to someone, the longer the convo has to be, and then it might be awkward at first and then you have to talk forever...yada yada yada. I pretty much psych myself out. But with facebook, I can leave a nice wall post, short and sweet or whatever else.

So when you post your pictures or make your comments, I'm most likely watching...and I'm happy for you. Okay and possibly a little jealous, or making fun of you, just a little bit.